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The Story of Marty
Marty falls flat on Planet Earth...
Seven short chapters narrate the story of Marty, who falls off from a rainbow and lands flat on planet Earth. During his journey he struggles through a dark forest, has cooking and gardening lessons, conquers the arch-enemies of man, and succeeds in finding the road that will take him back home.

Marty and his metaphorical story appeal not only to children. His questions: "Who am I? Where do I come from? Why am I here and where am I going? , resonate with the time-old philosophical quest of humankind, making "Marty" eligible for all ages. His research, inquiry and humble findings can trigger a process for whoever wishes to embark on a path of self-development and Self-knowledge.

Marty's story has been written for older readers, too, and can be enacted as a musical performance! Don't miss these options!
Tell the story in your own words to smaller children and use the "colour me" worksheets to help them become familiar with Marty!
"Being in this world is precious and rare. I don't want to sit and stare. I'll look and see, taste and touch, think and feel and find out what is true and real!" - Marty
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