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This month's value is kindness, a basic human value and social skill that spreads as we practice it. It is contagious and uplifting and makes everyone feel good! Kindness opens our heart, builds right human relations and ripens into friendship because it makes space for love and understanding to grow.


Make a Kindness Poster to describe how we can show kindness to one another. Don’t forget that the easiest way to do so, is to treat others the way we would like to be treated.

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Is there something you could do or say today, that will touch someone’s heart with kindness?

At the beginning of each month you will find a new value to "walk with"! If you wish to pick another one in the meantime, our "Value Card" page is set up for that! And why not make your own value cards to keep at home or take to school, so everyone can pick a value?! 

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