This website is meant for you! Suzanne and Marty are overjoyed that you are visiting it and using its inspiration!
We would like you to know that Marty is a registered trademark and the content of Marty's Watch! , unless otherwise mentioned, is the property of the author and covered by copyright laws and the rules and regulations governing intellectural and industrial property. Reproduction, copy, republishing, distribution and/or translation of text and images is not authorized, even partially, without permission.
Should you wish to use the material or part of it, on a personal basis and for educational purposes, please follow the below rules.
Rule n. 1: Parents, grandparents, teachers and whoever enjoys the Marty’s Watch material is welcome to use it but is not allowed to do so for any commercial use or distribution without written permission.
Rule n. 2: If someone (for example a teacher) downloads Marty’s material, making copies for her/his students to use in class, there is no license problem. It is necessary, however, (and a good practice of right action), to cite the source and author.
Rule n. 3: Should the said teacher share the material in a school presentation, and/or wish to integrate the story, or any of its parts, the worksheets or any portion of the website material, kindly ask for authorization. It is a joy for the author to learn about your interest, and it is legally necessary to do so.
Rule n. 4: If the teacher, parent or user, has his/her own website or blog and wishes to share the story or any portion of the website material on it, we will be grateful if you could provide the link to www.martyswatch@com
We appreciate your readiness to oblige, and are eager to know how you use Marty's Watch!
Please delight us with your feedback!
Thank you!