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Eco Education

Love for one another, ourselves

The growing need to educate children and young people on climate change and sustainable development is tangible. Students of all ages deserve to be properly informed, and the values, attitudes and behaviors that an ecological conscience thrives on, need to be fostered. To consciously choose to engage in “climate action”, at all levels of society, implies the capacity to make responsible decisions, and pinpoint practical strategies and lasting solutions. These can sprout only from a new awareness, a proper use of our discernment and a loving compassion for all forms of life. In this light, human values such as understanding, unity and nonviolence, are among the major guiding principles we need to uphold in education today.

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Putting “a ceiling on our desires” to save precious resources such as food, energy, time, money and human intelligence! … is something we can do! The practice of balancing wishes and needs empowers us with the self-confidence and kind-heartedness that spring from inner contentment.


Marty’s Watch! wishes to join the mission of cleansing and restoring the elements of nature by tuning into Human Values! To this respect, the worksheets you find in this section provide information of interest and suggest small acts of kindness to integrate in our daily lives and actively make a difference. Let’s contribute to bring about positive changes for the health and happiness of all people, nature and Mother Earth.

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